So You Want to Make Videos ? Content Studio is here to guide you through every part of your video production.
We listen carefully and, with you, create videos that reflect your mission,
your style, your identity and your message.
Latest Projects About Us

Best in Class Green Screen and Sound Recording Studio

Green Chroma

& Audio Studio


Launched Artists

Helped Poets, Singers,Rappers and Standup Comedian bootstrap their Career


Camera Rolled

Our experienced team has collectively worked on numerous projects all across the country

We Take Care Of Your Video Project From Conception To Distribution

Content Studio is a full-service film, video and media production company that helps tell your story in the most emphatic way possible.


The Stressfull Pre-Production

Still working to define your story?
Have a seat with us and let’s talk.
We’ll brainstorm together, throw ideas up at the
wall and see what sticks.
Then, we’ll create a script, storyboards, and a plan
to bring the project to the screen.


The Unfamiliar Production

Have a script in hand?
Brilliant! Let’s get moving….
Our seasoned production staff will take the project
through the remaining stages of pre-production,
then we help you organize and accomplish a shoot
that maximizes creativity and production value.

The Overwhelming Post Production

Let’s bring it all together.
Our in-house editorial, animation, and finishing capabilities allow us to streamline post-production while remaining flexible and responsive throughout the review process,resulting in extremely fast turnaround time.
We offer these services a-la-carte or at a reduced rate as part of a production package.


We specialize in building brands

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Let Our Videos Work For You

Whether to Educate or Entertain
We are Crafting Delightful Stories for the Digital World

Product Shoot
Corporate Video Shoot
Chroma Interview Shoot
Interactive Online Classes
Virtual Corporate Event Shoot
Green Chroma
Green Screen Studio Rentals
Podcast Shoot
Interview Shoot
Talk Show Shoot
Poetry/Comedy Shoot
Interview Shoot
Real Set
Multiple Background
Short Film Shoot
Outdoor Event Shoot
Corporate Event Shoot
Documentary Film Shoot
Standup Comedy Show Shoot
Outdoor Shooting
Shoot Anywhere With Us
Film Editing
Color Grading
Motion Graphic
Kinetic Typography
Youtube/Sociail Media Editing
We Edit it all
Product Shoot
Corporate Video Shoot
Chroma Interview Shoot
Interactive Online Classes
Virtual Corporate Event Shoot
Green Chroma
Green Screen Studio Rentals
Podcast Shoot
Interview Shoot
Talk Show Shoot
Poetry/Comedy Shoot
Interview Shoot
Real Set
Multiple Backgrounds
Short Film Shoot
Outdoor Event Shoot
Corporate Event Shoot
Documentary Film Shoot
Standup Comedy Show Shoot
Outdoor Shooting
Shoot Anywhere
Film Editing
Color Grading
Motion Graphic
Kinetic Typography
Youtube/Sociail Media Editing
We Edit it all

Let Us Help You Create Some Memorable Videos


Frequently Asked Questions About Video Production Services And Post Production Services

5 Burning Questions Before Starting Your Video Production

Do you remember a day when you didn’t watch any video?

Yeah, no one has been able to successfully remember any such day from their recent past. Videos have well and truly established themselves as an integral part of our lives. So, naturally Video Production takes the centre stage as we go towards an ultra-digital age of the human race

It does not matter whether you are an individual who wants to establish your own brand or a business that wants to promote a new product that was launched last week, if you are looking to put yourself out there then videos are the way to go.

I won’t go on and on about all the percentages of numerous groups that proves that videos work more than any other form of content. It's 2022 and we all have seen the power of videos and most of us know that if done properly, videos will get the job done for you.

Let’s get right into it then.

Who will watch this video?

Don’t even go to the next question if you are not able to answer this one. You HAVE to know who will watch the video for which you are spending your time and money, and how this video is going to add value to their lives. Don’t waste your resources on fancy equipment and high-profile influencers if you are not sure about your audience

How can you extract the best out of social media platforms?

Nowadays social media provides a whole spectrum of choices, from 15 seconds to 15 Hours, your video content may have this wide range of flexibility.Different platforms can be used at different points in the journey of your product, from product announcement to final review of the product

For Example

A product launch can be announced on the company’s Twitter Handle, further buzz about the product can be created by using subsequent Twitter, Facebook and Instagram posts.

Then, when the launch date is getting closer a Short and Crisp Insta Story could be used to tease the product to your audience.

The actual product launch can be live streamed on almost all of these platforms

After launch the popularity of influencers and reviewers can be leveraged through Instagram,Tik-Tok and YouTube, by the way having a mind-blowing product is always a plus.

These days influencers can be seen dancing on the latest tunes with the signature steps of some newly released song, this is mostly intentional moment marketing from the producers to popularize their songs even more

Right now, company culture is the next big thing for corporate firms, with millennials looking for companies with diverse and progressive culture and why working there is a great career choice. Successful culture videos tell honest stories that highlight company’s inspirational mission and personal statement; it also showcases how company develops a healthy balance between work and personal life without undermining productivity.

If you still don’t believe that different platforms can be used differently to produce the best results then please go through the case study of 5 companies using social media here in this extensive blog.

If you are a business then What business problem will this video solve?

This question helps you with budgeting the video appropriately. The money spent should be proportional to the size of the problem that your video is solving

Even as producers we ask ourselves this question whenever we are making a video for our partners. How will the video help in getting more business, sales, clicks etcetera etcetera??

How to choose a Video Production House?

You don’t need the best video production house in the country in order to get started with your video production, you just need a Creative set of Genuine folks who will not drown you with “filmmaking” jargons and false promises of giving you a viral product.

Choosing an apt production house, whose creativity, philosophy and work ethics aligns with your brand is the best way to go.

Trying my best not to sound biased, but Content Studio is considered one such Video Production House in Delhi NCR. We go that extra mile for you and try our best to give an amazing experience to anyone coming to us whether for a small virtual product launch or a short crisp 1 minute Instagram Story video.

What to do after you have the video?

Post, Promote and Analyze

Even the great Christopher Nolan is looking for the equal budget for producing his movie and marketing of the movie. And Yes, the budget is a whopping 100 Million USD just for marketing and promotion

The point here is that if you have honestly tried making a meaningful piece of content then there is no harm or shame in promoting that content so that it could reach an even larger audience.

Once you have given your video a fair chance to run its course, sit back and observe all the data to see what went right or wrong. Get rid of the mistakes and consolidate on what clicked.


Starting something may seem like a daunting task, and starting out all alone can seem even more daunting to the extent that you might never get started with the video you had in your mind.

How Much Does It Cost To Make A Youtube Video?

A YouTube video can be made for free. If you are just starting out as an individual creator we recommend not wasting your time in trying to figure out these things. Just create what you want to create, it does not have to be perfect when you are starting out.

The great MKBHD made his first video through screencasting back in Jan 2009, when he was just 15 years young.

So, if you just have a smartphone and want to start your YouTube Journey without spending the big bucks, then check out this descriptive article and bootstrap your way in the YouTube universe like so many successful YouTubers and hopefully when you are a big success, our paths will cross.

Here we are talking about youtube videos in which one has to keep video quality into consideration, videos that won’t be possible through your smartphone camera, videos that need premium audio quality and the cinematic look that insinuates craving and admiration in whoever is watching.

More often than not the cost will be different if that youtube video is made for a corporation compared to a video that is made for an individual creator.

As per our experience budding individual creators don’t want the fancy CGI, VFX and Animation that a corporate video needs, so the number of hours that goes into post production would be less resulting in much more affordable pricing.

Individual creators need help from experts to make something that they saw some other creators do and renting one of our talented videographers for a day doesn't seem so daunting.

On the other hand

Corporate Videos need to have that premium look since they represent a company’s culture and portray an image of that company to their current and prospective customers.

Corporate videos solve a business problem, they are intended to generate sales and revenues so they have a higher budget.

We always advise our corporate partners to dig deep and really know the problem they are going to solve through their video.

Bigger the problem that the video is solving, Bigger is the room for Budget.

Budget of a video also significantly depends on what type of video you are planning to make or in layman’s terms what is the Concept of the Video?

Videos with different Concepts may need different equipments, props, location and more/less crew members

For Example

Once you have finished the production(actual shooting) based on the concept then the budget might increase or decrease based on what type of post production you had in mind, by that I mean animation, graphics and sound work you want us to do for your video.

As YouTube’s algorithm ranks premium looking videos higher we urge our corporate partners not to skip this part and since our prices are so affordable they also come happily onboard.

Mostly we tend to do end to end work (Production and Postproduction) for our partners and that helps them save some money on post production as well.

At Content Studio basic editing starts @ 700/min. Cost increases as we start adding elements like Kinetic Typography, Graphics, VFX and Original Background Music.

How to Make a Successful CEO Profile Video?

Have you seen an episode of Shark Tank India yet ??

I request you to go ahead and watch one if you haven’t, specially if you are a cofounder or a CEO. Shark Tank has turned humble CEOs into celebrities and has shown the world what conviction a good hard working founder can do for a company.

Even if you don’t get the coveted “deal”, your company gets a good exposure on National Television which is an incredible marketing space for any company old or new.

This article is not about how good or bad Shark Tank is, that’s up to every individual to decide for themselves. This article is about how even your company can leverage the conviction and powerful personality of your CEO/CO-Founder as a marketing tool, by simply making a premium looking CEO/Company Profile Video.

Ok. So you were able to spare a little money in your marketing budget to make a video about your product or company, showcasing your company culture.

First of All

Your Audience needs to see the actual enigmatic personality of your Founder/CEO.It’ll help build confidence in the brand and will help justify the reason why the video was created in the first place.

Then comes the question

What will be the format of the video? .

Pop up questions? Candid Question? Formal Interview? Press Meet Video?

Here are a few examples of different video formats that you may consider

Different Types of Videos featuring Bright and Beautiful CEOs

A formal set up where the founder talks about production processes, it can be a shot in a Studio or at inside Company premises

This is a candid interview format where an off Camera Interviewer asks short informal questions to

Talking about Personal Journey and Company’s Unique Product :

Day in Life of a Young Startup Founder

Personal and Intimate Company Journey

Portrait of a CEO, Their Journey and Dreams :

All different videos serve different purposes and are used to educate audiences about some different aspects of the company

Choosing the format of the video will even clear the WHY of the video.. In every blog I keep coming back to the same WHY because answering this question helps you and the production team figure out many subsequent things

Once you have zeroed in on what kind of video (that depends on what kind of personality your founder has and what is the purpose of the video) you want, then there are a few very important things that you need to consider

Location: If you are trying to give a personal and intimate feel to your audience, showcasing your company culture then choosing your actual workplace as the shooting location will be a good idea. (HINT : Look at the Vienna Insurance Video )

Multiple Cameras : Using just one camera doesn’t give you any room to play around. Use different angles to tell a more comprehensive story. Take close up shots that capture the intensity of the monologue. Using multiple cameras also tells your audience that you mean business and want to make an impactful video.

Hair and MakeUp: Cameras these days are really good and they tend to capture every minute details, I guess you know where I am going with this. You don’t need to hire Javed Habib or you know anyone fancy, you just don’t want your founder to look shabby in front of the camera when he/she is representing your whole company.

Use Script: as a guideline not an ancient scripture set in stone. A cofounder who has worked day and night to build a company from the ground up feels passionately about his product. He/She just needs to talk passionately about their company, product, and their own life. We need to harness their passion for the product and capture their love for the company.

A well written tight script might help some people but more often than not it becomes a hurdle while working with non actors, where they keep forgetting their lines and losing their confidence. Trying to speak in a certain way that’s not your style traps you in the construct of words and perfection. We should let them be free so that they can speak from their hearts.

Keep the video small, crisp and try to emote some kind of emotion (humour or compassion) Make more videos rather than one super costly mega sized video. So keep your videos short with a clear message and succinct understanding of what is the purpose of the video? // Embrace your reality

Motion Graphics and Editing Try to hire editors who can make awesome looking motion graphics and animations for your video. Choppy and half hearted outdated motion graphics can deteriorate the overall quality of the video and ruin the whole experience of the audience.

We all are good at different things. Your CEO is good at talking about his company and his products so you need a production house that can extract the intensity with which she/he talks about their product in front of the camera.

Content Studio excels at bringing out the best from non actors as we create a very playful environment making everyone feel at home. Our editors are massively skilled when it comes to putting appropriate motion graphics and kinetic typography based on what is being said and shown on the screen.

If you get in touch with Content Studio for solving your video problems, then you wont need to go anywhere else. That’s one undisputed advantage of hiring a video production company that does end to end work. Less people to coordinate with gives you time to get more work done and focus on what really matters. Call us @ 8920249869 and book an appointment today.

How Can A Business Integrate Their Values to Their Video Marketing Strategy?

Video Marketing- an indispensable tool in creating brand consciousness in the 21st Century, is a very overwhelming task. With so many businesses using different social media tools to promote their businesses, where does one even begin? Should the information be communicated through a youtube video or an instagram video? What should our marketing say? What is the best way to articulate our message? These are all valid and at the same time difficult questions to answer.


The clue lies in your business itself, more specifically in the fundamentals and values of your business. By integrating the values and fundamentals of the business into your video marketing strategy, it is possible to cultivate a uniform brand image across your target demographics. Isn’t that fairly simple? Who you are determines your video marketing strategy.

For example, if a business is an equal opportunity workplace and prides itself over hiring qualified people irrespective of age, race, gender, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, disability etc, their content should at strategic occassions reflect that quality. Flipkart, for instance, recently advertised their Period Leave Policy. This is a good strategic decision because it shows that Flipkart is an inclusive empathetic company that cares about their women employees plus launching it close to Women’s day made it all the more impactful.

Now, does one need to be an agency or a big time video production service to execute this, not necessarily. Just a little bit of clarity and a little bit of creativity will do the trick.

Knowing your business is very important, because it makes decision making much simpler. For example if your target demographic is Gen Z, then Instagram and TikTok become good platforms to advertise your content. If your target demographic is slightly older, Facebook and Youtube become better options. This way most of the answers of your video marketing strategy lie in your business itself.

Another way to approach the idea of video marketing is thinking about it backwards- asking yourself- what are the values I would like people to associate with my business. Over the years, Coca-Cola has through its brilliant campaigns associated itself with sharing happiness.

Does one require a big budget or the services of the best video production house in town for this-no! What most people don’t realize in this age, is that what truly matters is your message, it is important to know what you want to say! If you have something interesting to say, people will engage! So, if you’re only starting out and you don’t have a big budget -fret not, focus on what you have to say, keep it simple, and be consistent- success will follow

There is of course one other easy solution- Content Studio (not so subtle plug) . If you’re a business looking for a video production house in Gurgaon who can help bring out their company values to the forefront through smart video marketing strategies-we are here for you, and we are here at every step to take your company to new heights.

Why Content Studio Is The Best In The Field of Video Production?

We Are Creative

Creativity is not just about providing the right color schemes or designing the perfect sets, it’s also about working within the constraints of a budget and time, it’s about problem-solving, it’s about using the right tools to express the message of the brand in the most effective way possible. And we at Content Studio, do it all!

Our clients range from small-scale startups to established businesses. Because of our wide ranging experience, we know how to help different businesses with their respective projects. With startups, we handhold their way to a premium quality video, we lead on the creative decision of the video and make sure that their first experience with a production house is a great one.

With established businesses, who have worked with many video production houses over the years, and come to us a little jaded, we provide them with a fresh perspective, we try to position their product in a way that it feels new again.

We Are Affordable

Good news-we are superrrr affordable! Not only are we way reasonably priced than other production houses, but we provide a premium quality video in exchange for a very minimalistic charge. Additionally, we provide excellent service, guiding our clients step by step to what can sometimes be an overwhelming process from pre-production to post production, from day 1 to delivery.

We have great technology

Equipped with the best video and sound technology, there is practically no difference between Content Studio i.e our production house and a production house in New York.

Whatever our clients want, we can do! We use the best industry technology so nothing is impossible for us!

The USP of our production house is our studio. Our video production studio is completely sound insulated (the same way sound studios are) with 3 layers of acoustic foam ensuring no echo and brilliant sound quality. Since content consumption habits are moving more towards audio led content, sound quality has become an indispensable part of content which is something that Content Studios understands well and prides to deliver on.

In conclusion, and not to sound braggy, but we’re the best production house in Delhi! We are a one stop solution to all things creative or corporate, everyone can afford us and we are great at our jobs!

So businesses, big or small, come to us, let us assist you in making your product or service great.

Want to Work With Us?

We are always interested in meeting new talented people
Please drop us a line at


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